Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tobi Fairley Inspiration

So I'm on the couch this morning
doing my norm on the computer...
checking email...
 reading my bible verses online for the day...
(I'm doing the "read the bible in a year" 
but I think I'm on the year and a half plan)
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and then I head over to the blog to read some of my daily's...
Something told me to click on Tobi Fairley 
(who is an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G designer)...
and I'm SO GLAD I DID...
what fantastic inspiration abounded...

Planning for Success...
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This was meant for me to read...
Can you tell I'm giddy with excitement...
You MUST go over and take a gander...
Such inspiration to get going...
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What are you waiting for?
Go!  Hurry!
Click here and it will take you right there...
Come back and tell me what you learned...
Are you ready?
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images via:
Tobi Fairley

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